
Avante Australia


Avante Premium mattresses are created using the latest technologies and designs to deliver the most luxurious comfort and support Avante Australia has to offer.  The premium range of mattresses all include either pure pin-core latex, gel infused memory foam or both along with zoned pocket spring units or handmade pocket in pocket springs designs.  Premium Ranges are covered by a 10 to 15-year guarantee.

Q, K
3-zone pocket spring mattress with 80mm premium foam and premium natural latex comfort layers.

Q, K
5-zone pocket spring mattress with 80mm premium foam and premium natural latex comfort layers.

Q, K
6 turn pocket spring mattress with 60mm premium foam and premium natural latex comfort layers.

Q, K
Premium pocket-on-pocket spring mattress. with a luxurious 95mm comfort layer.

Q, K
Premium pocket-on-pocket spring mattress. with a luxurious 95mm comfort layer.

Q, K
Premium pocket-on-pocket spring mattress. with a luxurious 95mm comfort layer.

Q, K
5-zone pocket spring mattress with nano spring technology and gel memory foam.

Q, K
Micro pocket spring mattress with cool max fabric and a gel infused memory foam layer.

Q, K
Nano-pocket spring mattress featuring a gel memory foam layer.

For general enquiry's please call our Sales Manager, Jeremy Nowlan on 07 3284 3133

Please re-send my access to the Avante Direct Customer Portal