Looking after your mattress springs

Pocket Spring mattresses consist of individual springs encased in fabric pockets, each working independently to contour to your body’s shape. Regular re-setting plays a crucial role in ensuring that the springs continue to function optimally. Download the PDF.

1) This exercise is best performed by 2 people
2) Clear the Mattress Area
3) Remove Bedding and Linens
4) Sweep or Vacuum
5) Protect Flooring

Step by step Re-setting Process

Re-Distributing Springs – Floor Level
Lift your mattress onto its long side. Take care to lift the mattress about knee height and release to drop the mattress to the ground. Repeat this process 6 times on one long side, then finally, flip the mattress and repeat the sequence once more on the opposite long side (total of 12 times).

Additional Re-setting Processes

Rotating the Mattress
Rotate the mattress 180 degrees. This means that the head of the mattress becomes the foot, and vice versa. Rotating the mattress helps distribute wear and tear more evenly, ensuring that one side doesn’t bear the brunt of the pressure over time.

Flipping the Mattress
If your pocket spring mattress is designed to be flippable, turn it over completely. This ensures that both sides of the mattress receive balanced use. If your mattress isn’t designed for flipping, you can skip this step.

Massaging and Re-Distributing Springs
Gently press and massage the surface of the mattress to help redistribute the pocket springs. Over time, these springs might settle into specific positions due to body weight. Massaging the mattress encourages the springs to adjust and conform to your body once again, promoting even support.

Frequency of Re-setting
Turn your mattress end to end every 2 weeks during the first 4 months then every 3 months thereafter.

Important: Consult your Mattress Product Guarantee card and utilise these instructions as a supplementary guide alongside the information provided on the card. Please note the instructions on the card take precedence.